Jumat, 13 Desember 2019

Singe-use Plastics.

Hasil gambar untuk single plastic use

Single-use plastics, or disposable plastics, are used only once before they are thrown away or recycled. These items are things like plastic bags, straws, coffee stirrers, soda and water bottles and most food packaging. 

The consumption trend of disposable plastic packaging continues to increase. One of them can be seen from the development of bottled drinking water production, where 40% of its production is in bottled water. This is a lifestyle that is dangerous for the environment. Therefore, it requires the adoption of more stringent policies from the government and breakthroughs in changing the business model of the producers towards reducing the use of disposable packaging, and the community must also change their daily behavior by avoiding disposable packaging.

"The only key to overcoming the problem of plastic waste is to reduce consumption. Recycling will never be enough as a solution, "said Atha. Only 9% of plastic waste worldwide is recycled, and most of the rest is very likely to end up in landfills, waterways, polluting rivers and oceans, as we see today.

Burned plastic bags can cause air pollution and respiratory problems. In addition, plastic bags used as food containers have the potential to interfere with human health because toxins in plastic bags can move to food.

Plastic bags (and other types of plastic) are difficult to decompose on the ground because of their long carbon chains, making it difficult for microorganisms to decompose. Plastic bags will break down hundreds to thousands of years later. Plastic bags that are claimed to be environmentally friendly will also decompose long and will remain trash. Moreover, because it is quickly broken down into micro plastic, it will be easier to pollute the environment.

Many items are used only for disposables such as plastic shopping bags, disposable cutlery, straws, coffee cup covers and so on.

To reduce the use of these items, you can calculate when you need them and replace them with products that can be reused.

For example when you shop make sure to bring your own shopping bag.

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