Jumat, 13 Desember 2019

Singe-use Plastics.

Hasil gambar untuk single plastic use

Single-use plastics, or disposable plastics, are used only once before they are thrown away or recycled. These items are things like plastic bags, straws, coffee stirrers, soda and water bottles and most food packaging. 

The consumption trend of disposable plastic packaging continues to increase. One of them can be seen from the development of bottled drinking water production, where 40% of its production is in bottled water. This is a lifestyle that is dangerous for the environment. Therefore, it requires the adoption of more stringent policies from the government and breakthroughs in changing the business model of the producers towards reducing the use of disposable packaging, and the community must also change their daily behavior by avoiding disposable packaging.

"The only key to overcoming the problem of plastic waste is to reduce consumption. Recycling will never be enough as a solution, "said Atha. Only 9% of plastic waste worldwide is recycled, and most of the rest is very likely to end up in landfills, waterways, polluting rivers and oceans, as we see today.

Burned plastic bags can cause air pollution and respiratory problems. In addition, plastic bags used as food containers have the potential to interfere with human health because toxins in plastic bags can move to food.

Plastic bags (and other types of plastic) are difficult to decompose on the ground because of their long carbon chains, making it difficult for microorganisms to decompose. Plastic bags will break down hundreds to thousands of years later. Plastic bags that are claimed to be environmentally friendly will also decompose long and will remain trash. Moreover, because it is quickly broken down into micro plastic, it will be easier to pollute the environment.

Many items are used only for disposables such as plastic shopping bags, disposable cutlery, straws, coffee cup covers and so on.

To reduce the use of these items, you can calculate when you need them and replace them with products that can be reused.

For example when you shop make sure to bring your own shopping bag.

Indonesia's New Capital City.

Indonesia’s president, Joko Widodo has announced the national capital will move from Jakarta, on the island of Java, to the province of East Kalimantan, partly in North Penajam Paser Regency and partly in Kutai Kartanegara Regency. And that certainly has advantages and disadvantages.

One of the advantage is because on the island of Kalimantan still has vacant land and it can also be seen that the island of Kalimantan has very less earthquake points compared to other islands. So it is very good if the transfer of the capital is moved there.

The disadvantage is that the complete facilities and infrastructure in Jakarta must now be rebuilt in the new capital city. So the process will take quite a long time.

This is a plan that has been suggested by various Indonesian presidents over decades, but it looks like the move will finally, actually happen. Widodo said the government will prepare a bill to be considered by the House of Representatives. If approved, construction could start next year.

“The location is very strategic – it’s in the centre of Indonesia and close to urban areas,” the president said in a televised speech. “The burden Jakarta is holding right now is too heavy as the centre of governance, business, finance, trade and services.”

President Joko Widodo explained the source of funding for the development of Indonesia's new capital city in East Kalimantan Province. Jokowi admitted, there were many people who asked him about this funding source.

“We need to convey, the total needs for a new capital city is approximately Rp. 466 trillion” said President Jokowi.

Later, 19 percent of the funding needs will come from the state budget. However, the intended APBN is not only sourced from the budget allocated specifically for the development of the national capital. "However, it is derived from the cooperation scheme for managing existing assets later in the new capital with those in Jakarta," Jokowi said. "The remaining (budgetary requirements) come from Government Cooperation with Business Entities or PPP and private direct investment and SOEs," he said.

Kamis, 12 Desember 2019

Gender Equality.

Gender equality, also known as sexual equality or equality of the sexes, is the state of equal ease of access to resources and opportunities regardless of gender, including economic participation and decision-making; and the state of valuing different behaviors, aspirations and needs equally, regardless of gender.

To avoid complication, other genders (besides women and men) will not be treated in this gender equality article.

In this era, gender equality is very important. Why? Because we are no longer in an era where men are higher than women. Gender equality is necessary and there are already many women who prove that women can do what men do. There is also our national figure Mrs. R.A Kartini who upholds the importance of gender equality.

Gender equality is very important for both genders because both genders have the right to get the same rights as free from discrimination and restrictions on the limitation of rights without any accompanying fear.

UNICEF says gender equality "means that women and men, and girls and boys, enjoy the same rights, resources, opportunities and protections. It does not require that girls and boys, or women and men, be the same, or that they be treated exactly alike.

In several countries, especially Indonesia, gender equality has not yet been fully fulfilled, especially women in the fields of education, politics, and employment. For example in the field of education there are still many in the minds of the community who say that women do not need to go to higher education because they will still end up in the kitchen and look after their husbands and children later. Whereas in the political field, for example, the DPR quota is like a political party where 30% of its members must be fulfilled by women and sometimes the quota is not fulfilled and if fulfilled, women only become displays or decorations so that they can enter the DPR only to fulfill the quota only for women to do the task is only to fulfill the existing quota. This example does not intend to reduce the degree of men or women but there may be some women who have not been competent to take care of politics and maybe that's why women rarely enter politics. And in the case of work, for example in maternity leave, it is restricted and also in the case of work, women rarely become leaders of directors and are only held by men and do not know whether because of the quality of women or what. The point is gender equality has not been achieved either in Indonesia or in some outside countries.

Equal doesn't mean the same.

Actually equality is the same as raising one gender to lowering another. Because gender equality is more about women (yeah I know women are often the subject of gender injustice). But, men also do not have to be demeaned in the sense that for example in the burden of doubles, because there as if women are too busy. Whereas in that case there can be an agreement in the household how to take care of the house, children, and finance the family (except if the husband is authoritarian). Rather than gender equality, it would be better to call gender unity.